Puppy Training
As all our services are based on working with you/ your family and puppy individually, it is particularly important that during your puppies first 16 weeks of age that you they attend puppy classes.
Why do both? The answer is, you don't have to do both.
It is ideal to do both and I will explain why next. However before I do, I will express, that should you need to select between private and puppy classes, then I would suggest the Puppy Class option. The reason why is that all puppies attending puppy class need to be at the same age / stage of development within a safe environment, particularly when puppies are within their first few months of vaccinations. Whilst private training can still be provided in conjunction with puppy classes, it is the social aspect that is especially important so puppies may have the opportunity to experience each others body language and behaviour and learn to read each others communication in a safe controlled environment.

Puppy classes are highly beneficial for your puppies behavioural development and wellbeing during and up to 16 weeks of age. (A most vital stage in their learning). Whilst I cannot speak for all trainers, most puppy classes are provided in safe, happy, healthy, controlled environment at which your puppy can have the opportunity to meet other puppies their same age (other than their own siblings) under the gentle guidance of a professional trainer.
For some puppies this can be a tad scary the first time. Therefore it is important that puppies feel safe, so learning can begin! Puppies can gain information about their 'class mates' through 'smell' and learn to read 'vital doggy language' and 'signals' from each other. Signals such as: turning their head to the side to show another puppy 'they are no threat' or learning to play nicely. (If a puppy is playing too rough, the other puppy will usually get up and walk away to let his playmate know, 'I'm not playing with you when you are too rough!") This may seem common information, however it is valuable information for puppies to learn 'how to be' around their other canine friends. Unfortunately, not all puppies get a chance to learn in this way and often this is where behaviours such as fear reactivity to other dogs begin.
Contact me for recommended puppy classes within your area.
Why do 'both' Private and Puppy Class together?
The earlier you start, the better (and usually easier) for you and your dog! This is the time to build a bond, develop a trust relationship, get some clear communication and training underway. Positive based trainers use the same training methods in puppy classes and therefore they are not contradictory to what we are teaching your puppy (if at the same time).

Whilst your puppy will benefit from puppy classes, he/she will learn more in private training as the entire focus is on your pup and you/your family requirements. Whether it be learning some of the basics which you did not get to practice in class, practice more of what you did learn or teaching your pup to be fluent with certain behaviours such as: walking without pulling or recall etc. By helping your pup develop good behaviours now, they are less likely to develop undesirable behaviours down the track.
When your puppy is permitted, introductions when walking around the streets are a great way to 'socialise' with other puppies / dogs. However sometimes people can say their dogs are friendly and you find it is quite the opposite! Learning to read other dog's body language plus that of your own puppy, is important before introductions can be made. Bad experiences can happen and they can leave negative effects on everyone.
Whilst it is vital to socialise our puppies to other canines, people, their environment safely, as trainers we are often helping clients who have dogs that strain on the leash every time they see another dog or person. Therefore we also teach your puppy and you the skills to be able to walk past these distractions calmly.
My private puppy training service also provides further social interactions for your puppy, together with another certified canine behaviour consultant and trainer. This is so your puppy can have the opportunity to be introduced to other dogs of different sizes, ages and breeds (one on one initially) in a safe controlled supervised environment, when suitable for your puppy.
This friendly strategy enables your puppy to learn his / her vital doggy communication with other puppies and canine peers, without intimidation or being too much all at once (flooding experience) as this can have a negative impact presently and in future. Please note: There is no extra cost on top of our regular session/sessions, simply because we care more about your puppy learning the necessary skills to be confident and happy within their canine world.
Not unlike children whose valuable learning, groundwork and foundation develops between 0-5 years of age. For puppies it is particularly their first 16 weeks of life. Puppies who are given a GREAT START through private training and puppy classes combined are more likely to be well ahead with their progress. With this on board, your pup is likely to develop into a well mannered, confident, fun loving dog who is able to live harmoniously with their families as well as their outside world environment with all its diversities.
Please note...
For private puppy sessions, your puppy needs to be fully vaccinated, so he/she are safe outdoors (C3 + C5 Vaccinations, approx. 14-16 weeks).
If you puppy has not yet completed their vaccinations then training sessions will continue to be conducted at your home and/or back yard in the interim.
Please note...
What now after Puppy Class?
Learning continues after puppy class, it is ongoing, as it is for us all!
The benefits of training post puppy class;
Your puppy does not know he / she has completed puppy school and needs further teaching and guidance from his / her family. Training / learning does not only help your puppy to become a happy healthy confident dog but it helps provide him / her with the skills, desired behaviours they need to live happily and harmoniously with their owners (and their outside world) and are, therefore, less likely to be given up due to undesirable behaviours.
In addition; often due to other clashing commitments, a puppy class is missed or you did not really get the whole run down on a particular subject such as: the importance of timing when reinforcing a desired behaviour with your pup. Sometimes distractions from other owners halt your memory on the question you were going to ask.
Now that your puppy is getting to explore 'a bigger world' around them, it is helpful to him / her that you are both going forward confidently.

Perhaps your puppy needs further assistance with his/her: sit, down, stay, wait or other. You would like to learn how to build upon your puppy's newly learned behaviours, so they will listen to you under distractions.
You would like to further practice or learn loose lead walking, so it is an enjoyable experience for you both.
Your puppy is extra exuberant and you would like to teach him/her how to enjoy being calm and relaxed.
You would like to know and learn matters that may concern your puppy, when the exploration of their outer world is broadening. Noises and sights such as; buses, speeding cars, motorbikes, rattling trucks, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, birds, humans, prams, cycles, skateboards, loud music, other dogs, etc. This can all be scary if your pup does not learn to associate these things in their world as being good, ok, great, the norm, positively. Learning to understand what your puppy is communicating to you through their body language and behaviour will help you to assist your puppy to go forward confidently and happily in their world and less likely to develop phobias etc.
Does this all sound familiar and would you like to discuss your requirements one on one, please contact me for an obligation free chat!